Intermediate English Course

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A warm welcome to the Intermediate English Course. This is a ‘Reading and Grammar’ bridge course which touches upon important comprehension skills and grammar topics. These skills are particularly important for students to help them become better readers. While you teach; Identify vocabulary words that you think might be difficult for students to understand when they read the text. Model think-alouds. For example: verbalize a confusing point or show how you use a strategy to comprehend something. "This sounds very confusing to me. I better read this sentence again." Demonstrate fix-up strategies. For example: “I need to think about this. Let me rethink what was happening. Maybe I'll reread this. I'll read ahead for a moment.”

A lesson plan, worksheet, deck , and an answer key can be found for each topic. Have fun teaching!

Comprehension - Unit 1 - English :: The Twins - comprehending through questioning

Comprehension - Unit 2 - English :: The Test - comprehending through questioning

Comprehension - Unit 3 - English :: Giraffe - Main Idea

Comprehension - Unit 4 - English :: Domains of the Earth - Supporting details

Comprehension - Unit 5 - English :: If I were a Teacher for a Day - Text to self connection

Comprehension - Unit 6 - English :: The Leopard - Elements of a story

Comprehension - Unit 7 - English :: If I were an animal, I would like to be… Summarizing

Comprehension - Unit 8 - English :: Cells - Building Blocks of living things - reading illustrations and summarizing

Comprehension - Unit 9 - English :: Our Friendly Neighbours - Question Answer Relationship

Comprehension - Unit 10 - English :: Daydreaming - Question Answer Relationship

Comprehension - Unit 11 - English :: Get off my Garden! - Elements of a story

Comprehension - Unit 12 - English :: Tenses