NCERT - 6 - Science :: Air Around Us

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Go To: NCERT-Science-Grade 6


[Contributor- Anu Nived]

Objective: To teach the children about Air, wind and atmosphere

Subtopics to be covered:

  1. Composition of air
  2. Replacement of oxygen in atmosphere

Learning Outcome:

  1. Students know that air is present everywhere and it occupies space
  2. They know that plants and animals are dependent on each other for exchange of oxygen
  3. They also know that oxygen supports burning

[Contributors - Kripa S, Nitin Garg] ( Air Properties and Experiments ) (air pollution) (English - Exploring Air & Air Pressure)

[Contributor - Kripa S] (straw spinner)

[Contributor - Shachi Patel]

Term Transliterated Term Translated Term
Atmosphere अत्मोस्फियर वायुमंडल
Carbon Dioxide कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
Composition Of Air कम्पोज़िशन ऑफ़ एयर वायु की संरचना
Oxygen ऑक्सीजन ऑक्सीजन
Nitrogen नइट्रोजन नाइट्रोजन
Smoke स्मोक धुआँ
Windmill विंडमिल पवन चक्की
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