WBSED - 6 - Maths :: Solid and Hollow shapes
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[Contributor - Kripa S]
Objective: To learn how to make 3D shapes from paper (2D)
Subtopics to be covered:
- Curve vs plane
- shape of paper used to make a cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, prism, pyramid
- Types of prisms and the base of the prisms
- Base of a 3D shape on paper
- Convert a 3D shape to 2D shape
Learning Outcome:
- Students can identify a 3D shape from given objects
- Students can identify base of a 3D shape
[Contributor - Rini Jose]
[Contributor - Kripa S]
https://appdesignclass.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/shape-and-form.jpg (2D to 3D)
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b1/c0/60/b1c060894693fb7387cb851e980d1dd6.jpg (3D shapes)
[Contributor - Kripa S]
1. Make multiple chits with different kinds of 2D shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, semicircle). Ask each bench to pick a chit. One student from the bech has to show the 2D shape paper that he will use to make a 3D shape. Second student will draw the equivalent 3D shape as made by the paper, and the other will have to guess the names of the two shapes.
[Contributor - Sayan Kar]
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzNF2YyqQxJ-T2FVV0VManFPMjQ (answerkey1)
[Contributor - Arnab Das]
Term | Transliterated Term | Translated Term |
Solid Object | সলিড ওবজেক্ট | ঘনবস্তু |
Cuboid | কিউবয়েড | আয়তঘন |
Cube | কিউব | ঘনক |
Cone | কোণ | শঙ্কু |
Pyramid | পিরামিড | পিরামিড |
Triangular Pyramid | ট্রায়াঙ্গুলার পিরামিড | চতুস্তলক |
Prism | প্রিজম | প্রিজম |
Rectangular Parallelepiped | রেকট্যাঙ্গুলার প্যারালেলোপিপেড | চোং |
Curved Surface | ্কার্ভড সারফেস | বক্রতল |
Plane Surface | প্লেন সারফেস | সমতল |
Base | বেস | ভূমি |
Vertex | ভার্টেক্স | শীর্ষবিন্দু |
[Contributor - Sayan Kar]
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzNF2YyqQxJ-MWhlbVdCa0g1cnc (worksheet1)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4m07xnDF8JpNnNNdUUwU21Yc0E (worksheet2)
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