OPEPA - 7 - Science :: Respiration

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Go To: OPEPA-Science-Grade 7


Course Content / Subtopic list:

  1. Breathing - inhalation and exhalation
  2. Respiration , types of respiration - aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  3. Anaerobic respiration in muscles , breathing rate , mechanism of breathing , exhaled air contains carbon dioxide
  4. Breathing in other animals - Cockroach , earthworm , frog
  5. Breathing underwater - fish , dolphins and whales
  6. Cutaneous respiration
  7. Respiration in plants , respiration in leaves , respiration in roots
  8. Exchange of gasses

Expected Learning Outcome:


  1. Define breathing
  2. Define inhalation and exhalation
  3. Differentiate between breathing and respiration
  4. Differentiate between Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  5. Define breathing rate
  6. Describe the process of respiration in plants through leaves and roots
  7. Explain the exchange of gasses in plants

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