OPEPA - 7 - Science :: Climate and environment

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Go To: OPEPA-Science-Grade 7


Course Content / Subtopic list:

  1. Air pressure
  2. Wind currents , wind currents due to uneven heating of land and water , rain , wind currents due to uneven heating between the equator and poles
  3. Storms , thunderstorms , structure of a cyclone , cyclone , anemometer , wind vane
  4. Destruction caused by storms and cyclones

Expected Learning Outcome:


  1. Define air pressure
  2. Define wind currents
  3. Explain the Effect of wind currents due to uneven heating of land and water
  4. Explain the Effect of wind currents due to uneven heating between the equator and poles
  5. Define storms
  6. Define thunderstorms
  7. Define cyclone
  8. Discuss the extent of destruction caused by storms and cyclones

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