NCERT - 7 - Maths :: Data Handling

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Go To: NCERT-Mathematics-Grade 7


Course Content / Subtopic list:

  1. Collection Data, Organisation Of Data
  2. Representative Values, Mean
  3. Mode,Median
  4. Use Of Bar Graphs
  5. Chance And Probability

Lesson Plan

[Contributor- Kripa S]

Objective: Explain how to organize data and draw graphs based on data inferred

Subtopics to be covered:

- Organize data in order, frequency, range of data

- Arithmetic mean and Median of data

- Bar graphs, Tally marks, Frequency table

Learning Outcome:

- Students can create a frequency table with tally marks for a given set of data

- Students can read a bar graph and decipher data portrayed


[Contributor- Rishi Mazumdar]


[Contributor- Kripa S] (tally marks) (bar graph)


[Contributor - Kripa S]

1. Make a measuring scale on a wall till 180 cm. Measure the height of every student in your class on that scale.

Group students with same height. Make a table of length and number of students with same height (eg: 100 cm, 110 cm 120 cm…)

Find the range, mean and median of your class height.

2. Collect last week's attendance attendance from your class. Make a table of how many students were present on the 6 days. (Monday, Tuesday, .... ). Check what is the average attendance of the class for the week

Draw a bar chart if you can on the attendance

Additional Aids

[Contributor - Amitesh Kulshreshtha, Reshav Dey] (Answer key 1)


[Contributor - Shachi Patel]

Term Transliterated Term Translated Term
data डेटा जानकारी
value वैल्यू मूल्य
average एवरेज औसत
mode मोड मोड
median मीडियन मंझला
graph ग्राफ लेखाचित्र
scale स्केल स्केल
purpose पर्पस उद्देश्य
chance चांस अवसर
probability प्रोबबिलिटी संभावना
arithmetic mean अरिथमेटिक मीन अंकगणित औसत
representative रिप्रेजेन्टेटिव प्रतिनिधि
range रेंज सीमा
median मीडियन मंझला
analysis एनालिसिस विश्लेषण
interpretation इंटरप्रिटेशन व्याख्या


[Contributor - Amitesh Kulshreshtha, Reshav Dey] (Worksheet 1)

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