JACB - 5 - Maths :: Statistics

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Go To: JACB-Mathematics-Grade 5


Contributor - [Rini Jose]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzNF2YyqQxJ-TDMtV3FXdDVGRkU (JEPC Board) (Hindi Medium)

[Author - Kripa S]

1. Make a measuring scale on a wall till 180 cm. Measure the height of every student in your class on that scale.

Group students with same height. Make a table of length and number of students with same height (eg: 100 cm, 110 cm 120 cm…)

2. Collect last week's attendance attendance from your class. Make a table of how many students were present on the 6 days. (Monday, Tuesday, .... ).

[Contributor - Varija Srinivas]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BHL8pkTvzNlPZx59AcLmqsVW1p9isPYD (Question Bank - English)

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