WBSED - 7 - Maths :: Activities

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Go To: WBSED-Mathematics-Grade 7


[Contributor - Preeti Saravanakumar]

Objective:To teach the student about similarity in patterns, lines of symmetry, rotational symmetry and reflective mirror images.

Subtopics to be covered:

  1. Learn to identify Symmetrical and Reflective images.
  2. Learn to identify the lines of Symmetry using folded papers.
  3. Learn to find ratio, fraction, decimal fraction and percentage using images.
  4. Make triangles, square area, quadrilaterals and other shapes using match sticks.
  5. Learn about Revolving numbers.

Learning Outcome:

  1. Students are able to identify lines of Symmetry and are able to draw symmetrical/ reflective images.

[Contributor - Rini Jose]

Hindi Medium

[Contributor - Sneha Choudhury]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1n74qUB8T1U97joZqYubVnY-jHYFkZIKh (Answer Key 2)

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