OPEPA - 7 - Science :: Soil

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Go To: OPEPA-Science-Grade 7


Course Content / Subtopic list:

  1. soil , humus , weathering , soil profile
  2. Horizon , A horizon , B - horizon , C - horizon
  3. Bedrock
  4. Soil erosion
  5. Types of soils - sandy soil , clayey soil, loamy soil
  6. Percolation ,percolation rate
  7. Moisture in soil , absorption of water by soil , percentage of water absorbed
  8. Crops and its relation to types of soil
  9. Erosion

Expected Learning Outcome:


  1. Explain various horizons of soil profile
  2. Identify different types of soil
  3. State the characteristics of sandy soil , clayey soil , and loamy soil
  4. Explain the capacity of moisture in soil and absorption of water by soil
  5. Explain various crops and its relation to types of soil
  6. Define Soil erosion

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