OPEPA - 7 - Science :: Soil
From evidyaloka
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Go To: OPEPA-Science-Grade 7
Course Content / Subtopic list:
- soil , humus , weathering , soil profile
- Horizon , A horizon , B - horizon , C - horizon
- Bedrock
- Soil erosion
- Types of soils - sandy soil , clayey soil, loamy soil
- Percolation ,percolation rate
- Moisture in soil , absorption of water by soil , percentage of water absorbed
- Crops and its relation to types of soil
- Erosion
Expected Learning Outcome:
- Explain various horizons of soil profile
- Identify different types of soil
- State the characteristics of sandy soil , clayey soil , and loamy soil
- Explain the capacity of moisture in soil and absorption of water by soil
- Explain various crops and its relation to types of soil
- Define Soil erosion
Lesson Plan
[Contributor - Swarup Jena]
Objectives: To teach the students about various properties of electricity
Subtopics to be covered:
- Symbols used for drawing electric circuit
- Heating effect of electricity
- Magnetic effect of electric flow
Learning Outcome:
- Students will be able to understand different properties of electricity and the laws behind electic current
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