MHSB - 6 - Maths :: Decimal Fractions
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[Contributor - Kripa S]
Objective: To introduce decimals, operations on decimals
Subtopics to be covered:
- Scale of measurement for length (mm-cm-m-km), weight (g-kg)
- introduce decimals, place value in decimals till 1/1000
- Add, subtract two decimals
- Convert fraction to decimal (with denominal 10,100,1000)
- Multiply two decimal numbers
- Divide a decimal number by a whole number
Learning Outcome:
- Students can write a decimal number
- Students can add, subtract, multiply two decimal numbers
- Students can divide a decimal number by a whole number
[Contributor - Kripa S] (Marathi Medium) (English Medium)
[Contributor - Kripa S] (Decimals - Fractions Marathi) (Addition of Decimals - Marathi) (Comparison of Fractions - Marathi)
[Contributor - Kripa S] (conversion scale) (decimal, place value) (fraction to decimal) (compare decimals)
[Contributor - Kripa S]
1. A game between two teams. One team will tell a measurement of length or weight in m/ g and other team has to tell the measurement in km/ kg with proper decimals.
2. (game)
Term | Transliterated Term | Translated Term | |
Decimal fraction | डेसिमल फ्रकॅशन | दशऔंश अपूर्णांक | |
Fraction | फ्रकॅशन | अपूर्णांक | |
Sum | सम | बेरीज | |
Integer | इंटीजर | पूर्णांक | |
Century | सेन्चुरी | शतक | |
Decade | डिकॅड | दशक | |
Unit | युनिट | एकक | |
Centenary | सेन्टेनरी | शतांश | |
Millennium | मिलेनियम | सहस्रांश | |
Subtraction | सबट्रक्शन | वजाबाकी | |
Multiplication | मल्टिप्लिकेशन | गुणाकार | |
Division | डिवीज़न | भागाकार |
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