Common - Bridge Maths ::Numbers

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Revision as of 11:59, 11 July 2017 by Kripa (Talk | contribs) (Lesson Plan)

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Go To: Mathematics Bridge Course (All States)


[Author - Kripa S]

Objective: Revisit basics of numbers, place value and arranging numbers in order

Subtopics to be covered:

  1. Write in words , write in figures
  2. What is place value (location of a number)
  3. Place value chart (TTh, Th, H, T, U)
  4. Identify place value of a digit in a number by checking its position from units place
  5. Write a number in expanded form and standard form
  6. Numberline for natural numbers
  7. Arrangement of numbers from small to big (ascending) or big to small (descending)
  8. Compare given numbers using >, =,

Learning Outcome:

  1. Students can write any number within 1 to 10,000
  2. Students can write a number in words and figures
  3. Students can identify the place value of a digit in an given number
  4. Students can arrange a given set of numbers in ascending or descending order
  5. Students can compare two numbers
(0 votes)

Anonymous user #1

87 months ago
Score 0++
The first video is no longer available for the teacher to use. Please replace with another game .


86 months ago
Score 0++


Thank you for sharing the feedback. Have made the changes.

Anonymous user #2

79 months ago
Score 0++

Hello, A very good collection of the videos. But all the videos are in English. Can we get links to some Hindi videos too.


Anonymous user #3

43 months ago
Score 0++
Good content!
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