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Go To: [[APSB-Science-Grade 8]]
=Lesson Plan=
=Course content=
[Author - Anu Nived]
'''Objective:'''To teach the students about various microbes
<h2> Course Content / Subtopic list: </h2>
'''Subtopics to be covered:'''
  <li>Microorganisms and their classification</li>
  <li>Types of microorganisms</li>
  <li>Useful and harmful microorganisms</li>
  <li>Food preservations</li>
- Useful and harmful microbes
<h2>Expected Learning Outcome: </h2>
- Food poisoning and food preservation
<b>SWBAT-</b> <br>
-Nitrogen fixation
  <li>Differentiate between useful and harmful microorganisms</li>
  <li>Explain the medical usage of microorganisms</li>
  <li>Define a food preservation</li>
  <li>Explain the steps involved in food preservations</li>
'''Learning Outcome:'''
- Students can identify whether a disease is caused by Bacteria/Virus/Fungi
- They know various diseases in humans/animals/plants caused by microbes
<h2> Semester 1 </h2>
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SUN845c54lSrnHmizGCnwcJlTyERnf6W/view Physics TextBook Link ] <br>
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgB9tCZI7ocRztinp4kHSZNMtzWSg1vj/view Biology TextBook Link ]
<h2> Semester 2 </h2>
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AbIluvhuz_LjMXw0zkOADfFWZLlpq7H_/view Physics TextBook Link ]<br>
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ELfHxRSqu4DtsleC0F4pEy2-0JccFbv/view Biology TextBook Link ]
=Teaching learning resources=
<h2>Lesson Plan</h2>
[Author - Kripa S]
[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]
http://scert.telangana.gov.in/sites/default/files/publication/ebooks/8TM_BIO.pdf#page=41 (Telangana Board) (Telugu Medium)
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0WiysvR2DOlcjlHUjQ2dzA0eFU&usp=sharing (AP Board) (Telugu Medium)
Dear Volunteer,
http://scert.telangana.gov.in/sites/default/files/publication/ebooks/8EM_BIO.pdf#page=40 (Telangana Board) (English Medium)
http://apscert.gov.in/ebookapp/GeneratePdf (AP Board) (English Medium)
Please find below the detailed lesson plan and PPT for this chapter in the language mentioned against the respective link. While the lesson plan will give an overall flow of the lesson, the PPT will include lesson flow as well as the presentations for the class.
'''https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pIfTQrq1nymrCXLkK1413F-SiWkQVnGU'''(English Part 1)
'''https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m7yeV4kGYztVjc3CaxJx10-93PJ3Fb1-''' (English Part 2)
'''https://drive.google.com/open?id=1obVfiLxtiOOeFXBXt0WZO0yLkxqshewE'''(PPT - English Part 1)
'''https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RVvD2KbmHRaztL_pvxr_j2rNiuC25qcR''' (PPT-English Part 2)
You may use the content as it is or download and modify them to suit the students requirements.
If you feel any major modifications or additions are carried out by you in the form of adding any new activity, presentations, videos etc. we request you to send the modified version to submitcontent@evidyloka.org for enabling upload the modified version.
The worksheets of the lesson can be accessed from the worksheet tab.
Kindly rate the lesson plan and share your suggestions and comments on the lesson plan in the comments box below. Your valuble suggestions and comments will help us to improve the content.
[Author - Kripa S]
[Author - Kripa S]
Line 45: Line 82:
[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePnbkNVdPio (Life and discoveries of  Leeuwenhoek upto 3.30 min)
(Microscopic view of pond water)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzNavc3F8Vo (Diff types of fungi under microscope)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p9e0oolbmE  (Shapes of bacteria and their motion upto 1.20min)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1CFVuQVG2U  (Introduction to protozoa)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjeip1CzcFg  (To grow Protozoa)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd4uekWVYZo (Soil micro organisms)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KXHwhTghWI (Introduction to virus upto 3.28min)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeTawbcfeS4 (Introduction to useful micro organisms)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-b1TNSDvKg  (Commercial use of micro organisms upto 2.30 min)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-b1TNSDvKg (medicinal use of micro organisms)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZWjzcsTd5M (upto 1:14 min)
or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAGY36JYQlg
(Story of pencilin discovery)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMSSu7QLAlw (Vaccines)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_PKQ_M7AtU (upto 1:40 min).  (Edward jenner and his invention of vaccines)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCrgTV20BD4  (avoid details- can start directly from 4:28 min upto 5:23).  (Nitrogen fixation)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsZS4RCWpcE (pathogens)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO51sFre6fg (How diseases are spread)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEuTWFLVTV0 (details can be skipped) (Crop diseases)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE2lnMorlqo (Short movie on life of louis pastuer and his discoveries)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0AuRc8YTV0 (invention of pasteurization)
[Author - Kripa S]
[Author - Kripa S]
Line 57: Line 149:
[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]
https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-biology2/chapter/cell-structure-and-motility/ (Different protozoan)
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-otX8TYNe3SM/Td2xbgrMkcI/AAAAAAAAGgA/JecNRyboNKY/s1600/Rhizopus_3b.jpg  (Image of fungi Rhizopus)
[Author - Kripa S]
[Author - Kripa S]
Line 67: Line 173:
=Additional Aids=
[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]
1. Collect pond water in a small clean glass bottle. Place a drop of water on a clean slide. Place a cover slip and observe under microscope.
If the above activity can’t be performed, please show this video to children of an experiment showing microorganisms in pond water under microscope-
2. Take some rotten part of vegetable or black spoiled part of bread or coconut with the help of a needle on a slide. Put a drop of water, place a cover slip on it and observe it under the microscope. Draw rough sketches in your note book of what you observed.
Bread mould experiment can be alternatively shown if the experiment can’t be conducted-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrTcxoj4dQo
3. Take one or two drops of butter milk on a slide and spread it. Heat the slide slightly on a lamp (3-4 seconds). Add a few drops of crystal violet, leave it for 30 to 60 seconds and wash the slide gently with water. Observe the slide under the compound Microscope.
If the above activity can’t be performed, show this video demonstrating a similar experiment-
4. Select a few strands (green string like bodies). Or some part of the scrapings that have small string like bodies. Take one or two drops of collected greenish pond water (in a bottle) on a slide. Cover it with a cover slip. Observe under microscope.
Show this video demonstrating the same experiment-
(Begin from 1:55)
5. To grow protozoa, soak hay in pond water to prepare a decoction of hay. After 3- 4 days take a drop of water and observe it under the compound microscope.
Take one or two drops of hay decoction on a slide and observe it under the microscope.
Observation can be shown with this video-
6. Collect some soil from the field in a beaker or in a glass. Add some water to it and stir it. Wait for some time to allow the soil particles to settle down. Take a drop of water on a slide and observe it under the Microscope.
Observations can be shown here-
Show video demonstrating the experiment and showing the observations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuHznslr8aI
7. Take some lukewarm milk in two small bowls. Add a few drops of butter milk or little curd in one of the bowls.
In the second bowl do not add anything. Keep the two bowls in a warm place and observe the milk in the bowls after 5 to 6 hours. Observe the changes.
8. Take 100 grams of maida in a bowl, add one or two spoons of yeast powder, add some water and knead it to make dough. Keep the dough in a warm place. Observe the dough after 3-4 hours. Observe the changes.
9. Take some of water in two separate beakers. Add 5 to 10 spoons of sugar to each beaker, then add 2 to 3 spoons of yeast to one of the bowls only. Close both of the bowls with lids and keep them in a warm place. After 3 to 4 hours remove the lids and smell the contents. Observe the changes.
10. home or ground at your school.
Fill them up to half with loose soil. Put some biological wastes like fallen leaves, vegetable wastes, waste papers etc., in one of them.
Fill the second one with plastic wastes, polythene bags and with some empty glass bottles.
Now cover the pits or pots with some loose soil. Sprinkle some water on the pots /pits. Do this every day. After three to four weeks remove the upper soil from the pits and observe the changes. What changes you have observed?
11. The students are asked to inquire with their parents or neighbors if their crops have ever been infected with a disease. Find out their local names (of disease) and make a list. Also enquire how the disease was managed.
<h2>Additional Aids</h2>
[Author - Koganti Manasa]
[Author - Koganti Manasa]
[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1obVfiLxtiOOeFXBXt0WZO0yLkxqshewE(PPT - English Part 1)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RVvD2KbmHRaztL_pvxr_j2rNiuC25qcR (PPT-English Part 2)
[Author - Kalanadhabhatla Shweta]
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Term'''          ||          '''Transliterated Term'''      || '''Translated Term'''||
|Discovery                                ||             డిస్కవరీ                       ||             కనుగొనుట||
|Invention                                ||           ఇన్వెన్షన్                     ||             ఆవిష్కరణ||
|Minute                                   ||             మైన్యుట్                       ||             సూక్ష్మం||
|Microscope                               ||         మైక్రోస్కోప్                   ||       సూక్ష్మదర్శిని||
|Host                                     ||               హోస్ట్                         ||              అతిధేయి||
|Orthopods                                ||           అరతోపోడ్స్                     || ీళ్ళ శస్త్ర వైద్యుడు||
Worksheets  [Version 2021]
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4776_V1.pdf (Worksheet 1)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4777_V1.pdf (Worksheet 2)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4778_V1.pdf (Worksheet 3)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4779_V1.pdf  (Worksheet 4)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4780_V1.pdf  (Worksheet 5)
Answerkeys [Version 2021]
Worksheets  [Version 2021]
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4776_V1.pdf (Worksheet 1)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4777_V1.pdf (Worksheet 2)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4778_V1.pdf (Worksheet 3)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4779_V1.pdf  (Worksheet 4)
https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4780_V1.pdf  (Worksheet 5)
Answerkeys [Version 2021]
[Contriutor - Aishwarya VH]
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MZFSVyCDz-TH1GMH5UHwZGjTjKalfcew (Question Bank - English)
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Latest revision as of 16:58, 21 July 2023

Go To: APSB-Science-Grade 8


Course Content / Subtopic list:

  1. Microorganisms and their classification
  2. Types of microorganisms
  3. Useful and harmful microorganisms
  4. Food preservations

Expected Learning Outcome:


  1. Differentiate between useful and harmful microorganisms
  2. Explain the medical usage of microorganisms
  3. Define a food preservation
  4. Explain the steps involved in food preservations

Lesson Plan

[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]

Dear Volunteer,

Please find below the detailed lesson plan and PPT for this chapter in the language mentioned against the respective link. While the lesson plan will give an overall flow of the lesson, the PPT will include lesson flow as well as the presentations for the class.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pIfTQrq1nymrCXLkK1413F-SiWkQVnGU(English Part 1)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m7yeV4kGYztVjc3CaxJx10-93PJ3Fb1- (English Part 2)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1obVfiLxtiOOeFXBXt0WZO0yLkxqshewE(PPT - English Part 1)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RVvD2KbmHRaztL_pvxr_j2rNiuC25qcR (PPT-English Part 2)

You may use the content as it is or download and modify them to suit the students requirements.

If you feel any major modifications or additions are carried out by you in the form of adding any new activity, presentations, videos etc. we request you to send the modified version to submitcontent@evidyloka.org for enabling upload the modified version.

The worksheets of the lesson can be accessed from the worksheet tab.

Kindly rate the lesson plan and share your suggestions and comments on the lesson plan in the comments box below. Your valuble suggestions and comments will help us to improve the content.


[Author - Kripa S]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwQIxQNkB4M&list=PLHOGBLPrsnMpeqmMPmPIm_0CsN1H3Xca4 (English - Microorganisms)

[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePnbkNVdPio (Life and discoveries of Leeuwenhoek upto 3.30 min)



(Microscopic view of pond water)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzNavc3F8Vo (Diff types of fungi under microscope)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p9e0oolbmE (Shapes of bacteria and their motion upto 1.20min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1CFVuQVG2U (Introduction to protozoa)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjeip1CzcFg (To grow Protozoa)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd4uekWVYZo (Soil micro organisms)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KXHwhTghWI (Introduction to virus upto 3.28min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeTawbcfeS4 (Introduction to useful micro organisms)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-b1TNSDvKg (Commercial use of micro organisms upto 2.30 min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-b1TNSDvKg (medicinal use of micro organisms)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZWjzcsTd5M (upto 1:14 min)

or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAGY36JYQlg

(Story of pencilin discovery)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMSSu7QLAlw (Vaccines)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_PKQ_M7AtU (upto 1:40 min). (Edward jenner and his invention of vaccines)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCrgTV20BD4 (avoid details- can start directly from 4:28 min upto 5:23). (Nitrogen fixation)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsZS4RCWpcE (pathogens)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO51sFre6fg (How diseases are spread)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEuTWFLVTV0 (details can be skipped) (Crop diseases)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE2lnMorlqo (Short movie on life of louis pastuer and his discoveries)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0AuRc8YTV0 (invention of pasteurization)


[Author - Kripa S]

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/43/49/ae/4349aef3c7ecd3120e784d293d550b17.jpg (types of micro organisms)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ciRMXyZLalM/U_RRCDfwyQI/AAAAAAAAA-U/uD-DQ06N7Hc/s1600/probioticfood.jpg (useful microbes in food)

http://78405a.medialib.edu.glogster.com/media/cd/cd8852f8ecd2b608b69f457902d1e159fa1756bdb15384e161eb23f39cdc3411/thcapk0z5w.jpg (harmful microbes that harm food items)

[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]


https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-biology2/chapter/cell-structure-and-motility/ (Different protozoan)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-otX8TYNe3SM/Td2xbgrMkcI/AAAAAAAAGgA/JecNRyboNKY/s1600/Rhizopus_3b.jpg (Image of fungi Rhizopus)




[Author - Kripa S]

1. Take two pots and fill each pot half with soil. Mark them A and B. Put plant waste in pot A and things like polythene bags, empty glass bottles and broken plastic toys in pot B. Put the pots aside. Observe them after 3-4 weeks.

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45Z0l9qwQDI (inflatable lungs)

[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]

1. Collect pond water in a small clean glass bottle. Place a drop of water on a clean slide. Place a cover slip and observe under microscope.


If the above activity can’t be performed, please show this video to children of an experiment showing microorganisms in pond water under microscope-


2. Take some rotten part of vegetable or black spoiled part of bread or coconut with the help of a needle on a slide. Put a drop of water, place a cover slip on it and observe it under the microscope. Draw rough sketches in your note book of what you observed.


Bread mould experiment can be alternatively shown if the experiment can’t be conducted-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrTcxoj4dQo

3. Take one or two drops of butter milk on a slide and spread it. Heat the slide slightly on a lamp (3-4 seconds). Add a few drops of crystal violet, leave it for 30 to 60 seconds and wash the slide gently with water. Observe the slide under the compound Microscope.


If the above activity can’t be performed, show this video demonstrating a similar experiment-


4. Select a few strands (green string like bodies). Or some part of the scrapings that have small string like bodies. Take one or two drops of collected greenish pond water (in a bottle) on a slide. Cover it with a cover slip. Observe under microscope.


Show this video demonstrating the same experiment-


(Begin from 1:55)

5. To grow protozoa, soak hay in pond water to prepare a decoction of hay. After 3- 4 days take a drop of water and observe it under the compound microscope.

Take one or two drops of hay decoction on a slide and observe it under the microscope.

Observation can be shown with this video-


6. Collect some soil from the field in a beaker or in a glass. Add some water to it and stir it. Wait for some time to allow the soil particles to settle down. Take a drop of water on a slide and observe it under the Microscope.

Observations can be shown here-




Show video demonstrating the experiment and showing the observations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuHznslr8aI

7. Take some lukewarm milk in two small bowls. Add a few drops of butter milk or little curd in one of the bowls.

In the second bowl do not add anything. Keep the two bowls in a warm place and observe the milk in the bowls after 5 to 6 hours. Observe the changes.

8. Take 100 grams of maida in a bowl, add one or two spoons of yeast powder, add some water and knead it to make dough. Keep the dough in a warm place. Observe the dough after 3-4 hours. Observe the changes.

9. Take some of water in two separate beakers. Add 5 to 10 spoons of sugar to each beaker, then add 2 to 3 spoons of yeast to one of the bowls only. Close both of the bowls with lids and keep them in a warm place. After 3 to 4 hours remove the lids and smell the contents. Observe the changes.

10. home or ground at your school.

Fill them up to half with loose soil. Put some biological wastes like fallen leaves, vegetable wastes, waste papers etc., in one of them.

Fill the second one with plastic wastes, polythene bags and with some empty glass bottles. 

Now cover the pits or pots with some loose soil. Sprinkle some water on the pots /pits. Do this every day. After three to four weeks remove the upper soil from the pits and observe the changes. What changes you have observed?

11. The students are asked to inquire with their parents or neighbors if their crops have ever been infected with a disease. Find out their local names (of disease) and make a list. Also enquire how the disease was managed.

Additional Aids

[Author - Koganti Manasa]


[Contributor - Ankita Srivastava]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1obVfiLxtiOOeFXBXt0WZO0yLkxqshewE(PPT - English Part 1)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RVvD2KbmHRaztL_pvxr_j2rNiuC25qcR (PPT-English Part 2)


[Author - Kalanadhabhatla Shweta]

Term Transliterated Term Translated Term
Discovery                                             డిస్కవరీ                                   కనుగొనుట
Invention                                           ఇన్వెన్షన్                                 ఆవిష్కరణ
Minute                                               మైన్యుట్                                   సూక్ష్మం
Microscope                                       మైక్రోస్కోప్                         సూక్ష్మదర్శిని
Host                                                   హోస్ట్                                      అతిధేయి
Orthopods                                           అరతోపోడ్స్                     ీళ్ళ శస్త్ర వైద్యుడు


Worksheets [Version 2021]

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4776_V1.pdf (Worksheet 1)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4777_V1.pdf (Worksheet 2)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4778_V1.pdf (Worksheet 3)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4779_V1.pdf (Worksheet 4)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4780_V1.pdf (Worksheet 5)

Answerkeys [Version 2021]


Worksheets [Version 2021]

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4776_V1.pdf (Worksheet 1)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4777_V1.pdf (Worksheet 2)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4778_V1.pdf (Worksheet 3)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4779_V1.pdf (Worksheet 4)

https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod.evidyaloka.org/couse_documents/worksheet/APSB/Science/T+425_ST+4780_V1.pdf (Worksheet 5)

Answerkeys [Version 2021]



[Contriutor - Aishwarya VH]

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MZFSVyCDz-TH1GMH5UHwZGjTjKalfcew (Question Bank - English)

(0 votes)

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